Monday, December 19, 2011


Halo tman2 sekalian

dah lama juga saya ga posting. :D

oke langsung aja dah saya mau berbagi dengan teman2 tentang cara "Mengetes bagus / tidaknya power supply secara manual" .

cara ini gampang banget. dan alat yang digunakan untuk pengecekan ini gampang kok gan. agan bisa gunain :

KABEL atau KAWAT (pokokny yg konduktor deh gan)

nah langsung aja deh saya jelasin prinsip kerjanya :

1. Ambil Power Supply yang mau agan cek. pastikan PS nya ga terhubung listrik ya gan. lepasin juga dari Motherboard.

2. Pegang kabel out utama dari PSU, lalu hubungkan ujung kabel WARNA HIJAU dengan HITAM (yang penting hitam) dari salah satu kabel itu. Ingat! Yang jadi titik tolak logika adalah menghubungkan ujung kabel HIJAU dengan kabel lain. Sebenarnya boleh juga antara hijau dan merah, hijau dan kuning, yang penting salah satunya adalah HIJAU. Lihat caranya pada gambar dibawah ini.

3. Nah Pasang kembali kabel listik (AC) PSU sehingga dalam PSU terdapat aliran listrik.

Kalo PS agan semua masih dalam kondisi bagus, kipas pada PSakan berputar. dan jika tidak ada tanda2 kehidupan, berarti kemungkinan agan harus ganti PS tuh. hehe

Cukup sekian infonya gan.

Semoga Bermanfaat.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Do you like photograph, take a photos of you and your fiends?? Then I guess you will upload your photos to  the internet, specially on facebook . that’s right?? :D
But,  Have you ever feel tired to compress and resize the size of your photos and you just have slow connection. Then  the size of a photo is larger than 2 MB. If you just have a little photos to upload ,I think that’s not a big problem. But can you imagine if you want to upload 200 photos. It means you will upload 400 MB for 1 album. In my lovely country Indonesia , too difficult to get fast connection. I don’t know how fast the connection in the your country. But I hope is faster. :D
Okay if you ever felt like that. I suggest you to use a software that can compress your photos by ONE CLICK. The software is EMCO photo resizer. download here.Lets find out how this software works :

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One island, dominated by many countries.

Probably not many countries, particularly island states that the islands controlled by many countries. Indonesia has at least four islands occupied by many governments.

Kalimantan (Borneo), one of the world's largest island is an island that has 3 admistratif the Indonesia government in southern Kalimantan, while the northern part of Kalimantan is owned by the government of Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam

There was also the island of Sebatik which is a smaller island where the border between the two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia are very clearly among the settlements that exist on the island so that the resulting population in the area could have land in the two countries could be even a single village in the region different countries.

Papua (Irian) island in eastern Indonesia is also an island in Indonesia that the government shared with Papua Nuigini.

The island of Timor is an island located in the District NTT (East Nusa Tenggara) which also has two governments, this occurs when the state of East Timor which was established in 2002. So the territory of Timor island is administratively divided by the two governments of Indonesia and Timor Leste.

Indonesia has at least four distinct sovereignty of the islands with each island, are there other countries that have the same number of islands?